Genealogy Databases
Ancestry Library Edition
A premier genealogy resource that includes the U.S. and worldwide census, immigration, military, and vital records collections.
- In-Library Access - Search Ancestry Library edition without a library card at the library.
Family Search
Worldwide genealogical records. With your free FamilySearch account, you can gain access to images and documents, which are only available at the library.
Fold3 provides quick and easy access to over 500 million indexed and digitized military records, including service records, documents, photos, and draft cards for those who served.
Heritage Quest Online
Search for census records, public directories, federal census 1790-1940, PERSI, Revolutionary War files, Freedman's Bank Records, and more through Heritage Quest online.
Newspapers.com - World Collection
Newspapers.com Library Edition is an extensive online database of 3,000+ historical newspapers from the early 1700s into the early 2000s. It contains a diverse blend of well-known regional and local newspapers in the U.S. and other countries.
Indian Prairie Genealogical Group (IPGG) - IPGG presents monthly programs for people interested in genealogical research and family history. Local genealogists share their tips on doing research. They meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., except for November when they meet on the 3rd Thursday, and no meeting in December.
Microfilm/Fiche Scanner - The library has a ScanPro 1100 All-in-One Microfilm/fiche Scanner with AutoScan Pro software and a collection of microfilm/fiche.
- Chicago History Magazine - A publication of the Chicago History Museum. Coverage is from 1970 to current. Each issue has three to four articles covering some aspect of the history of Chicago.
- Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers - Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
- NCHS - Where to Write for Vital Records - Use the National Center for Health Statistics' free website to learn how to order vital records from state vital records offices.
- One-Step Web Pages - Find immigration, census, and vital records using Steve Morse's one-step search pages.
- USGenWebProject - Search volunteer-maintained county pages to discover genealogical records and depositories.
Death & Cemetery Records
Chicago Community Collection
Explore current and archival articles and stay informed on local topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political & social issues & more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the Chicago area including the Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, and Daily Southtown. Available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Global Newsstream
A resource of over 6,000 publications from around the world, featuring the full-text of many major metropolitan newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Barron's, and over 6,000 other publications from around the world. Obituaries are included in full-text coverage.
- Find a Grave - Search 105 million volunteer-transcribed grave records by surname or by cemetery. Entries may include names, birth and death dates, and possibly a photo of the deceased.
- Interment.net - Search records of 1,800 cemeteries worldwide by location or by burial record. It also has links to obituaries online.
- ObitsArchive.com - Free indexes to U.S. newspaper obituaries. You can pay to view the full text of the obituary or inquire at the Ask Us Desk about borrowing a microfilm of the newspaper containing the obituary.
- Obituary Index, 1972-2018 - A searchable .pdf file of people who resided in Burr Ridge, Darien or Willowbrook. The index also includes obituaries of individuals whose funeral services were held in Burr Ridge, Darien or Willowbrook. Gaps exist in the index due to missing newspaper issues. The index is updated throughout the year but published annually online.
- Online Searchable Death Indexes and Records (USA) - Handy directory to websites with online death indexes.
Illinois & Chicagoland Resources
- CAGGNI-Computer-Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois - Check out great genealogy tips, links, and a guide to regional genealogy library resources around the Chicago area.
- Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court Archives - Search over 500,000 naturalization petitions filed with the court from 1871 to 1929.
- DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society - Search a variety of genealogical databases for DuPage County.
- Illinois State Archives Online Databases - Search across databases including statewide marriages, military records, and land sales.
- Linkpendium-Illinois Genealogy and Family History - Check out hundreds of Illinois and county-specific genealogical websites.
- Naperville Family History Center - Research assistance, classes, and access to many fee-based databases via the Family History Center portal.
- Newberry Library - Before you visit the Newberry, read about their genealogy resources and collection guides.
Immigration & Ship Passenger Records
Ancestry Library Edition
In library use only. A premier genealogy resource that includes U.S. and worldwide census, immigration, military, and vital records collections.
- Die MAUS: Family History and Genealogical Society of Bremen--Bremen Passenger Lists - Search over 738,000 departure records from the port of Bremen from 1920 to 1939. The Bremen Lists also contain the names of many Slovak immigrants.
- Digital Danish Archives - Includes transcriptions of 394,000 emigration records from Denmark between 1868 and 1908 compiled by the Copenhagen Police.
- Ellis Island - Search the index of immigrants who came through Ellis Island from 1892 to 1924 for free. [You must register and pay to view the full record.] Or use Stephen Morse's easy one-step search form to search the Ellis Island database.
- Find Your Roots in Germany - Select “Passenger Lists” from the menu for a comprehensive guide to online and print sources, including the Bremen and Hamburg lists.
- Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Search over 5,000 ship passenger lists by date, ship name, the port of arrival, and by surname.
- Norway Heritage - Find information on ships, passenger departure lists from 1825 to 1925, and passenger arrivals published in U.S. newspapers.
- Olive Tree Genealogy - Search over 2,500 transcribed ship passenger lists for free.
Naturalization Records
- National Archives - Visit the National Archives' genealogy page for information about its census, naturalization, immigration, and military records.
- Online Searchable Naturalization Indexes and Records - The German Roots website provides an excellent guide to understanding and locating naturalization records.
- The United States Citizenship and Information Services - The USCIS has naturalization files from 1906 to 1956. Download the genealogy brochure for information on how to request records.