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Proctoring is available to Indian Prairie Public Library cardholders. Students must give a minimum notice of seven business days to schedule a test proctoring. To schedule, read the following, and then, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Important Information

  • Staff will not monitor exams on a one-on-one basis, but will verify hours student was in the library taking an exam, and will fill out any forms and return them to school as directed.
  • If the exam must be taken online, the student may bring a laptop computer or reserve one of the library’s computers.
  • The student must make arrangements in advance to reserve a conference room and to have the exam directed to the library staff member who will proctor it.
  • After completion, the staff member will see that the exam is returned to the school.
  • Postage and reimbursement for printing costs must be provided by the student.

Student Information

  • It is the student’s responsibility to verify the proctoring conditions at Indian Prairie Library meet any requirements of the school administering the test. If the school requires supervision during a test, we cannot proctor the test.
  • The student is required to provide a valid picture I.D. at the time of testing.
  • Proctors will not monitor a student continuously during an exam, but will check on the student periodically.
  • Student is responsible for providing paperwork for proctor’s signature.
  • All exams must be completed 30 minutes prior to the posted library closing time.

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