Desktop Computers & Laptops
Internet, research, and Microsoft Office computers are located in the technology center on the 1st floor for ages 14 and up. Computers are available on the 2nd floor in the Mid-Kid area. You can access research resources from the public catalogs throughout the library.
Express Computers
- Need a computer to print, check email, or do quick search use one of our twenty-minute standup express stations.
- These do not require a library card and are located on the 1st floor by the vending machines.
Sit-down Computers
- Need a computer for more than 20 minutes, use one of our sit-down computers for up to one hour. Time will automatically extend up to three hours if no one is waiting.
- Guests who have an IPPL card are welcome to sit down at any computer and enter their library card number to log in to a computer. All other guests who do not have an IPPL card are welcome to stop at the Guest Services or Technology Desks for a Guest Pass.
- IPPL cardholders may reserve a computer up to 48 hours in advance by calling the Technology Help Desk at 630/887-0829
- Need a laptop to take a test, do a video conference or study? IPPL cardholders can check out a laptop from the Technology Desk.
- We have study and conference rooms with TVs to project your laptop screen.
Laptops & Tablets to Go
We have the following devices for IPPL cardholders:
- Windows laptops with Internet (WiFi hotspot) and Microsoft Office.
- iPads with preloaded library apps and more.