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Hang out with your friends! We have plenty of opportunities to get social at the library. Our teen lounge is a space dedicated specifically for teens. Complete with comfy chairs and high-top tables, we also have a gaming nook for when you need a study break. Leave your answer to the Teen Post question on the wall, settle into one of our work tables for a homework session, or just kick back with your headphones on for some after-school chill time.

We have a gaming lounge just for teens featuring a Nintendo Switch. Currently available to be played: Mario Kart, Mario Party, Stickfight!, Cake Bash, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Movin’ Out, and Mario Olympic Games.

Teen Advisory & Service Committee
The Teen Advisory Service Committee meets once a month and serves as the library’s main volunteers during the school year.

Explore the variety of programs we have to meet others and have fun.

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